Sunday, May 16, 2010

Finally, a post from Dennis.

And well worth waiting for if you are planning a trip to Amsterdam. We have enjoyed quite a few visits from friends and family and are looking forward to a few more, so Dennis put together this travel guide, based on our experiences so far.

Being a lawyer with an organized mind, he writes in outline form. Unfortunately, this meant I could not upload The Hirsches' Guide to Amsterdam without losing all the formatting and while my love runs deep, it does not compel me to retype the whole thing. Therefore, it's a link. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Had almost given up! But here you are back in great form, witty and informative as ever. Hurray for la belle France, couldn't agree more. What do your sanitation workers want, MORE than six weeks vacation??? Ah Europe. By the way, couldn't open the Amsterdam link, so please have Dennis send the info in a more humble format. Felicia in New York


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